Here are the highlights from the January 12 board meeting.
  • Attendance Report
Rita Brown shared club attendance information for year-end.  The Club ended December with 176 active members and one honorary member.  Nine members joined during the past 6 months and 14 resigned from the club.  One was inducted in January with 5 new members set for orientation on January 28th.  Club attendance dropped to 41.86% in December which is typical for the time of year. 
  • President’ report     David Runk
Interact update - Dave Frost, David Runk and Esther Baldridge met with Shawnee Superintendent Mike Lamb and Bath Superintendent Dale Lewellen to discuss the possible formation of an Interact Club at Shawnee High School.  Development plans will continue.     
Rotaract update - The first meeting to begin the organizational process will occur in a couple of weeks. Rotarians Charlene Gilbert (of OSU Lima), Debra McCurdy (of Rhodes State), Jim Bronder (UNOH), new Rotarian Lisa Hummel, President Runk, President-Elect Frost and Vice President Sanchez are involved in the initial meeting.
Four Way Test Contest update – The contest will be held in Feb and March and winners will be selected.  Runk has been working with Board Member Dean Wittwer on the planning.
Polio Plus – to-date $1050 has been raised with the two auctions held at club meetings.  The auctions will continue for a total of 10 – 12 weeks
An Education Committee on things happening in Rotary will be formed as Runk wishes to include a regular educational moment at meetings that everyone would benefit from.  The committee will mostly consist of Past Presidents and Committee Chairs.  The next Rotary Leadership Institute will be held in March for Levels II and III. 
  • President-Elect Report       David Frost           
Membership Sub-Committee - John Ficorilli is activating the committee again.  Recently Jeff Unterbrink and Jodie Robinson were added to the group and Tracie is also involved.  In addition, John will work with the Social Committee on ways to increase attendance.
Sergeant at Arms - Jim Mason and Carol Buettner have the updated list of new members and will work with them on upcoming assignments
Finance Sub-Committee
Collections -  We have the agreement and revision to the Constitution put into effect.  Next step will be to send the notices out to the appropriate members with late payments.  
  • Vice President Report (Service Projects)        Tracie Sanchez
Social Committee – The committee will meet Friday January 15, 2016 to begin planning for the new year.  The committee is planning a Social Gathering at Westgate Lanes.  In February, the committee will be starting “Mystery Mondays” once a quarter at a Monday meeting, the committee will be doing something fun and entertaining to network with fellow Rotarians.  Also dates will be set for the monthly social hour at the Met on Main Street.  This event brought in 10 – 20 people each time and hopefully will grow in the new year. 
Christmas Auction - The auction items raised $7,521 and the cash donations and raffle tickets raised $6,300 with a total of $13,821.  After expenses of $996.24, the auction had gross proceeds of $12,824.76.  A survey will be distributed at an upcoming meeting to get input for the next year.  Jay Begg and Chuck Wolfe will co-chair the event again next year.
Bell Ringing – Seventeen Rotarians and some family members along with a few students from the Bath Interact Club were involved this year.  The Salvation Army bell ringing raised just over $1,000.  The date for next year has been set for the Saturday before Christmas.
Special Needs Christmas Party – There were 22 children in attendance with 22 Rotarians and 13 Interact students volunteering.  Ten Special Needs family members attended.  Esther expressed interest in chairing the committee again next year.  The venue was described as ideal and the magician was fun.
Abilities Baseball Field – Progress securing bids is ongoing.  Money is being collected to start the project.  Tracie met with Rachel Staley last Friday and the Abilities Committee will meet on January 22, 2016 for an update on the progress of the field.  The plan is for a March/April groundbreaking event.
Blood Clinic – the Spring clinic will be held on the first Saturday in May – May 7, 2016.
Memorial Day Parade in May – the Club will participate and put a float in the parade again this year.
Rotary Blitz Day – explore and move to social committee.
  • Financial Report                                   Kevin Bill
Statements have just gone out in the amount of $37,000 -  RI and District invoices will be due very soon.  The amount of the RI dues will be $6,042.  The amount of District 6600 dues is unknown at this time.
The gross proceeds from the Christmas auction equal $12,824.76 less the $500 that The Ohio Food Bank will receive and the $500 Cash Prize.   The club will generate two checks for the remaining amount of $11,824.76 divided equally between the Lima Rotary Foundation and the Salvation Army. 
  • New Business
Rotary Board Slate of Candidates -  A nomination committee is being formed to secure a slate of candidates for election to the Board for a three year term beginning July 1, 2016.  Anyone interested should speak with President Runk about the opportunity.
Annual Meeting - The Annual meeting will be held on Monday April 25, 2016. 
New Member Applications and Resignations
  1. There were no new member applications
  2. Resignation request were received from:
    1. Georgiana Saffle
    2. Walter Klimaski
    3. Gordon Rauch
Bischoff had a motion to accept their resignations with regret.  Ehora seconded the motion.  Board approved.
Ehora made a motion to adjourn and Crow seconded the motion.  Board approved.
Respectfully submitted
Rita Brown, Clerk