Here are the minutes from the Annual Meeting of the Lima Rotary Club.
Lima Rotary Club Annual Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2015
President Esther Baldridge called the meeting to order at 12:40 PM.   With 72 voting members present at the meeting, resolutions will require a vote of 38 to pass or fail.  Discussion and Amendments should be made before the motion is fully proposed for adoption.  Amendments made after will require the vote of the full house for acceptance.  Resolutions will be submitted by either the Lima Rotary Board or the Lima Rotary Foundation.
Resolution #1 - 2015-2016 Lima Rotary fund Raising Projects, Goals and Purpose   
Resolution proposed by Esther Baldridge and the Board of Directors and Cindy Wood and the Lima Rotary Foundation. 
These are the proposed fundraising projects and the amounts anticipated.
A) Rotary International Service Fitness Ride                       $  5,000                 Charitable
B) Rotary Christmas Auction ($12,000 split with SA)                $  6,000                 Charitable
C) Rotary Blood Clinics (Spring/Fall)                                     $14,000                 Charitable
D) Rotary Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing                 $35,000                 Charitable
TOTAL estimated net proceeds                                           $60,000
A motion was made by Bob Ruehl to approve Resolution #1.  The motion was seconded by Butch Kirk.  Resolution approved. 
Res #2  2015 – 2016 Lima Rotary Club Projects (Based on Funds Raised above)
Resolution proposed by Esther Baldridge and the Board of Directors and Cindy Wood and the Lima Rotary Foundation.  
These are the proposed distribution of the funds raised in #1 above. 
A) Rotary Dictionary Distribution                                                     $  1,500
B) Rotary Post-Secondary Scholarships                                                     $35,000
C) Unrestricted Funds for the Foundation                                        $  7,333
D) Interact Support                                                                                              $  1,000
Bill Timmermeister made a motion to approve Resolution #2.  Dave Frost seconded the motion.  Resolution approved. 
Res # 3  2015 – 2016 Lima Rotary Club Partnership Projects
Resolution proposed by Esther Baldridge and the Board of Directors and Cindy Wood and the Lima Rotary  Foundation.  
These are the projects the club adopts.
A) Salvation Army (50% net proceeds of Christmas Auction)
B) Family Promise
C) High Octane Drum Line
D) River Walk Maintenance (5 year Commitment)
E) Rotary Special Needs Christmas Party (Hulsken Fund)               
A motion was made by Sam Bassitt to approve Resolution #3.  The motion was seconded by Richard Warren.  Resolution approved.
Res #4  2015 – 2016 Rotary Club Community Service Activities
Resolution proposed by Esther Baldridge and the Board of Directors and Cindy Wood and the Lima Rotary Foundation.  
These are club service projects that benefit other organizations.
A) Salvation Army Kettle Drive (Bell Ringing)
C) Lima Rotary Rottery ($4,000 to $6,000)
A motion was made by Jonalee Schmidt to approve Resolution #4.  The motion was seconded by Mike Powell seconded.   Resolution approved
Resolution #5 -2015 – 2016 Lima Rotary Foundation support for the MESA.
Resolution proposed by Esther Baldridge and the Board of Directors and Cindy Wood and the Lima Rotary Foundation. 
These are District 6600 requests for support of MESA.
  1. MESA Warehouse in the amount of $2,000 (minimum). 
  2. MESA Operating Costs in the amount of $1,500 (minimum). 
Baldridge stated a grant request will be made to the Lima Rotary Foundation.  A motion was made by Carl Berger to approve Resolution #5.  The motion was seconded by Jon Rockhold. Resolution approved.
NOTE:           In accordance with our Memorandum of Understanding with the Johnny Appleseed Park District and the City of Lima, it is anticipated that approximately $6,667 will be donated for Riverwalk maintenance. 
President Baldridge stated the following is not on the agenda but inquired as to the club’s next investment in the future.  She especially expressed interest in the request from Rhodes State for their downtown expansion.  She requested club members let her know their level of interest and what the Lima Rotary Club can do to be involved.
The Annual Meeting adjourned at 12:55 PM.