Jury duty is everyone's civic responsibility.
Roy Baldridge led the club in the invocation, with Butch Kirk providing fellowship.
Our speaker today was Judge Jeff Reed, with the topic of jury duty.
Everyone hates to get that letter in the mail telling them of an upcoming jury duty appointment - but it is vital to our judicial system that everyone participate. Judge Reed shared many "colorful" responses to jury questionnaires - perhaps some of them were intentionally designed to excuse them from duty. Jeff also outlined the process of jury selection - challenges, and final jury seating. He also showed us how today's juries are more protected than in the past on publicizing jury members - when angry crowds would often show up at a juror's house after the trial. If you receive a notice for jury duty, there are many accepted excuses to be released from duty - but if you are eligible, you should serve. It's important to remember that you may need a jury yourself someday...