Posted by Rita Brown
Here are the highlights from the April 14th board meeting.
Call to Order                                                                                                       Ken Dysert
Dysert called the meeting together at 11:35 AM with the following members on-line:  Carol Buettner, Peg Ehora, Andy Farley, John Ficorilli, Jeff Fitzgerald, Jed Metzger, Cat Sarno, Theresa Schnipke, Paul Swartz and Anne Decker.  Also incoming Board Members Keith Horner, Derek Stemen and Andy Wannemacher, Secretary Rita Brown and Treasurer Dan Best were present.
Secretary’s Report                                                                                   Rita Brown
Attendance report
The month of March ended with 162 Members including 4 Honorary Members and 158 Active Members.  Two new members joined and two resigned.  Attendance averaged at 48.10%.
Presidents ReportKen Dysert/John Ficorilli
Annual Meeting Plan
Ficorilli stated according to the Club’s ByLaws, the Annual Meeting needs to be held before May 1st.   A quorum of members, which currently equals 52 members, need to be present.  The possibility of holding the Meeting this year using Facebook Live or Zoom was considered but having 52 members attend could not be guaranteed. 
Due to the COVID -19 virus emergency, Ficorilli made a motion to delay the Annual Meeting for a period of one month and also to notify the membership.  Fitzgerald seconded the motion.  Board Approved.  Members will be notified by email, or by written notice if necessary.  Members will be updated as information is available.
Board Reports: (any updates to report)All Board Members
4-way test Speech Contest Update                                                               Ken Dysert
Dysert advised that the 4-Way Speech Contest and the Essay Contest had each been successfully held.  The District Speech Contest has been cancelled. 
President-Elect’s ReportJohn Ficorilli
            Golf Outing Update
Ficorilli spoke with Bill Timmermeister, Scholarship Committee Chairman, about the possibility of the Golf Outing being cancelled for this year.  Timmermeister indicated the Scholarship Program has a current balance that would allow it to continue to function for the year if the Golf Outing was cancelled.  Andy Wannemacher, Golf Outing Chair, stated currently the Golf Outing is scheduled for June 7th.  Rather than cancelling the event, it could be postponed or delayed until July 22 or 29.  Some sponsorships have already been paid.  Wannemacher will confirm the plans with the committee.
Treasurer Report  Dan Best
Best shared the financial reports for March.  The Balance Sheet Previous Year Comparison indicates the current cash position is lower as the club didn’t bill members’ dues for this quarter.    Proceeds from the Christmas Raffle, and the portions of the dues payable to the Foundation and to the Scholarship Fund have not been transferred to the Foundation.   Best will request this be done.  Farley made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as submitted.  Swartz seconded the motion.  Board approved.
New Business
Membership Dues Updates for 2nd Quarter                                                     John Ficorilli
The dues for the 2nd quarter were suspended in April.  Next steps will be discussed in May.
Scholarship Committee Special Request                                                         Rita Brown         
  1. Interact Scholarship Funding
  2. Speech & Essay Contest Partnership Funding
On March 25, 2020 the Rotary Scholarship Committee met to consider two special requests.  The first was from Joe Kitchen for the Bath Interact Club. Each year, they hold a father/daughter dance.  The proceeds from it fund two $500 Scholarships for outstanding graduating seniors.  As they won’t be able to hold the dance this year, Kitchen requested the Scholarship Committee consider funding it.  Total amount of the request is $1,000.
The second request is for the partnership with the Rotary Club regarding the Rotary Four Way Speech and Essay Contest.  The partnership allows the club to double the amounts paid to the winners as the Scholarship Fund matches the amount of the club award.  Awards are paid to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners.  The total amount of this request is $425. 
The Scholarship Committee approved both special request but as the purpose of the Scholarship Program is to fund Scholarship request from the non-traditional college students attending higher education institutions within Allen County, it was presented it to the Rotary Board for approval of the two requests totaling $1,425.  Ficorilli made a motion to approve the request.   Fitzgerald seconded the request.  Board approved.
Rotary Resignations:                                                                                               
  1. Donna Krech
  2. Alberta Lee – move to Honorary Status
  3. Amy Nussbaum
Buettner made a motion to accept Donna Krech and Amy Nussbaum’s resignations with regret.  Ficorilli seconded the motion.  Board approved.
Schnipke made a motion to accept the resignation of Alberta Lee with regret and to move Lee to Honorary Status.  Fitzgerald seconded the motion.  Board approved.
There being no further business, Dysert adjourned the meeting at 12:15 PM. 
Respectfully submitted
Rita Brown, Secretary