Here are the highlights from the March 8 board meeting.
Call to Order Jeff Fitzgerald
Fitzgerald called the meeting together at 11:39 A.M. with the following Board members present:
Jeff Fitzgerald, Carol Buettner, Lesley Fry, Joel Mengerink, Keith Horner, Andy Wannemacher, Andy Farley, Dan Best. Also, Secretary Anne Decker was present.
Secretary’s Report Anne Decker
Approval of the February 8, 2022 Board Minutes
Buettner made a motion to approve the minutes of the February 8, 2022 meeting as submitted. Wannemacher seconded the motion. Board approved.
Attendance report for February 2022
Three new members joined the club and one member resigned. Membership is down -4 for the year. February attendance was weak at 37.95%. The month ended with 136 active members and 5 honorary members.
President’s Report Jeff Fitzgerald
Joint Meeting with the Foundation Board on April 12, 2022
The Rotary Board will hold a joint meeting with the Lima Rotary Foundation on April 12, 2022.At that time, board ballots will be tabulated by the Club and Foundation secretaries. Fitzgerald will meet with the Club board and Foundation board to review and compile the meeting agenda for both the joint board meeting and the club’s annual meeting on April 18. One item to be included on the agenda is the amount of money each board will pay toward the salary of the club’s bookkeeper. Decker will send minutes from last year’s joint board meeting and annual meeting to board members for review.
4-Way Speech and Essay Contests
There is nothing new to report. Ackerman and Rutz are working on these.
Reverse Raffle Update
Katy Page has agreed to coordinate this year’s reverse raffle. The committee members who worked on the 2021 raffle have all agreed to participate this year. Fitzgerald will meet with Page to determine the date, possibly June 1 or 2, and assign duties.
Social Committee Update
The next social event will likely be held on March 23, 2022 at Fat Jack’s Pizza. The April social will likely be a game night at Alter Ego Comics.
The Scholarship Committee will present 15 scholarships at the March 21 meeting.
Spring Blood Clinic
The Spring Blood Clinic will be held on April 30 from 6:30-9:30am at Senior Citizen Services. Tracie Sanchez will be looking for volunteers to help that morning.
Empowering Girls
The new Empowering Girls Committee will hold its first meeting on March 21 at 11:00 in Room 6 of the Civic Center.
Board Reports
Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing Andy Wannemacher
This year’s Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing is scheduled for August 17th at Hidden Creek Golf Club.
This year’s Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing is scheduled for August 17th at Hidden Creek Golf Club.
PolioPlus Keith Horner
The PolioPlus drive will gear up again this spring, possibly with a dunk tank. So far the club has raised $3,000 of its $5,000 goal.
The PolioPlus drive will gear up again this spring, possibly with a dunk tank. So far the club has raised $3,000 of its $5,000 goal.
Treasurer’s Report Dan Best
The club’s net income for FY 2021-2022 is $1,353.93. Its working capital is $14,827. Farley made a motion to approve the financial reports as submitted. Mengerink seconded the motion. Board approved.
New Business:
Fitzgerald was contacted by Frank Guagenti at Milano Club who would like the club to provide a more accurate meal count. He is frequently preparing too much food which is going to waste. The board does not feel it will be possible to provide an accurate meal count since many factors determine whether members can attend meetings. Fitzgerald will contact Guagenti.
Equestrian Therapy and West Ohio Food Bank sent letters to the club requesting donations. Fitzgerald will refer them to the Foundation. There was also discussion about whether the Lima Rotary Club should join the Lima/Allen County Chamber of Commerce. No decision was made.
The club has sold approximately half the tickets for the Jerry Lucas autographed Buckeyes photos. The club will work to sell the remaining tickets so the raffle can be wrapped up.
Mengerink made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 12:56 P.M. Fry seconded the motion. Board approved.
Respectfully submitted
Anne Decker, Secretary