Posted by Anne Decker on Feb 17, 2023
Here are the highlights from the February 14th board meeting.
Call to Order                                                                                                               Derek Stemen
President Derek Stemen called the meeting to order at 11:39 A.M. with the following board members present:
Derek Stemen, Jeff Fitzgerald, Joel Mengerink, Tim Stanford, Lesley Fry, Andy Wannemacher, Demi Burden and Treasurer Tracey Regula. Also, Secretary Anne Decker and Amy Ricker were present.
Secretary’s Report                                                                                                     Anne Decker
Approval of the January 10, 2023 Board Minutes
Burden made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 10, 2023 meeting as submitted. Fitzgerald seconded the motion. Board approved.
Attendance Report for January 2023 
One new member joined the club and no members resigned in January.  January attendance was 45.15%. The month ended with 141 active members and 4 honorary members.     
President’s Report                                                                                                     Derek Stemen
Board Candidates
Lesley Fry reported that the candidates for the Board of Directors of the Lima Rotary Club for the 2023-2024 year will be: Jill Ackerman, Russ Decker, Susan Fifer, Adah Ellerbrock, Sophia Loser, Katy Page, Richard Warren.
Decker will have ballots printed and sent to the membership. Candidates will be asked to attend the February 27th Rotary meeting to be introduced to the club.
Joint Board Meeting and Annual Meeting
The joint meeting of the Lima Rotary Club and Lima Rotary Foundation Boards of Directors is scheduled for April 11. The club’s annual meeting is scheduled for April 17. Agenda items for each meeting were reviewed.
Update of Club Bylaws
At the request of the board, Don Witter has written an amendment to the club’s bylaws stating that any person or organization using the Rotary or Rotary Foundation name in connection with any project, collection or donations must have written approval from the board of directors. Decker will contact Witter about the exact wording of this policy. This policy will be brought before the joint board meeting and the annual meeting for approval.
Blood Clinics
Stemen reported that Lima Memorial Health System is willing to consider holding blood clinics in both the spring and fall. They had raised concerns about lack of attendance at recent clinics. Stemen told them we would advertise the event more heavily. LMHS will see if attendance at the spring blood clinic increases and reevaluate the need for a fall blood clinic at that time. November 4 has been reserved for the fall blood clinic. The spring blood clinic is scheduled for May 6.
Fundraising Events
Andy Wannemacher and Scott Neth will co-chair the annual Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing. Details will be forthcoming.
The Jay Begg Reverse Raffle will take place at the May 1, 8, 15 and 22 club meetings with 50 numbers being drawn at each meeting. Each week, the holder of the last number drawn will receive $500. Holders of the other numbers drawn that week will win a consolation prize provided by sponsors. The last three numbers drawn on May 22 will receive $1,000, $2,500 and $5,000 respectively. Decker will design tickets and have them printed.
District Conference
The Rotary District 6600 Conference is scheduled for May 12-14 in Cleveland. The Lima Rotary Club has a ticket to the event at the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and will auction it to raise money for PolioPlus.
Membership Initiatives
Board members continue to contact potential new club members.
Board Reports                                                                                                            All Board Members
Empowering Girls                                                                                                       Lesley Fry
The Empowering Girls Committee met on February 6. They are looking for ways Rotary can support existing programs for girls in the community.
PolioPlus                                                                                                                      Derek Stemen
$367 was collected for PolioPlus from Rottery. The club is planning an apparel sale this spring to benefit PolioPlus. Decker will contact ProForma to set up the online store.
Treasurer’s Report                                                                                                     Tracey Regula
Regula reviewed information from the financial reports. The club’s total income year to date is $80,937.31, slightly above the same period last year. The club’s YTD expenses are $65,058.13, leaving the club with a net income of $15,879.18, up from $10,965.05 from the same period last year. Burden made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. Stanford seconded the motion. Board approved.
New Business
New Member Applications
New member applications were received from:
Wayne Steed – West Ohio Food Bank
Timothy Hammel
Nicole Daniels – Otterbein Cridersville
Andy Murino – Jack Burden Construction
Wannemacher made a motion to approve all four applications. Fry seconded the motion. Board approved.

Steven Rakes has submitted his resignation.
Fitzgerald made a motion to accept the resignation with regret. Regula seconded the motion. Board approved.
Motion To Adjourn
Burden made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Stanford seconded the motion. Stemen adjourned the meeting at 12:44 P.M.