Here are the highlights from the April 11th board meeting.
Call to Order Derek Stemen
President Derek Stemen called the meeting to order at 11:36 A.M. with the following board members present:
Derek Stemen, Jeff Fitzgerald, Lesley Fry, Tim Stanford, Keith Horner, Elizabeth Brown-Ellis, Jeff Unterbrink, Andy Wannemacher, Joel Mengerink and Demi Burden. Also, Secretary Anne Decker, Treasurer Tracey Regula, Amy Ricker, Tracie Sanchez, Troy Elwer and Ryan Cunningham were present.
The following Foundation board members were present: Russ Decker, Abe Ambroza, Jennifer Mason, Chris Hardesty, Craig Kupferberg and Demi Burden. Also Secretary Scott Cockerell and Treasurer Jared Walsh were present.
Secretary’s Report Anne Decker
Approval of the March 14, 2023 Board Minutes
Regula made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2023 meeting as submitted. Brown-Ellis seconded the motion. Board approved.
Attendance Report for March 2023
Two new members joined the club and one member resigned in March. March attendance was 45.14%. The month ended with 144 active members and 3 honorary members.
President’s Report Derek Stemen
Jay Begg Reverse Raffle
Tickets are being sold for the Jay Begg Reverse Raffle which takes place during the first four club meetings in May. Stemen encouraged everyone to sell tickets.
Tickets are being sold for the Jay Begg Reverse Raffle which takes place during the first four club meetings in May. Stemen encouraged everyone to sell tickets.
Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing
Wannemacher reported that sponsors are being contacted for this year’s golf outing. The date has not yet been firmed up. He is looking for a person to help with the outing’s accounting and coordination. He suggested that the position be paid. Stemen will reach out to the club to see if someone would like to volunteer for the job.
Wannemacher reported that sponsors are being contacted for this year’s golf outing. The date has not yet been firmed up. He is looking for a person to help with the outing’s accounting and coordination. He suggested that the position be paid. Stemen will reach out to the club to see if someone would like to volunteer for the job.
Allen County Fair Ticket Takers
The Allen County Fair has asked if members of the Lima Rotary Club would be ticket takers for the grandstand events at the 2023 fair. The club would receive $1,000 for its services. Stemen will ask the club if they are interested and sign up sheets will be on the tables at club meetings.
The Allen County Fair has asked if members of the Lima Rotary Club would be ticket takers for the grandstand events at the 2023 fair. The club would receive $1,000 for its services. Stemen will ask the club if they are interested and sign up sheets will be on the tables at club meetings.
Spring Blood Clinic
The Spring Blood Clinic is scheduled for May 6. Sanchez reported that all volunteer positions have been filled. Additional advertising is being done for this year’s clinic in an attempt to boost attendance.
The Spring Blood Clinic is scheduled for May 6. Sanchez reported that all volunteer positions have been filled. Additional advertising is being done for this year’s clinic in an attempt to boost attendance.
MESA Trucks
MESA’s trucks are old and need to be replaced. The club passed the bucket at two meetings and collected $604 dollars for their replacements. The club will create a gift basket to be raffled at the district conference in May to help raise additional funds.
MESA’s trucks are old and need to be replaced. The club passed the bucket at two meetings and collected $604 dollars for their replacements. The club will create a gift basket to be raffled at the district conference in May to help raise additional funds.
Apparel Sale
The club’s apparel sale has been extended through May 1.
The club’s apparel sale has been extended through May 1.
District Assembly Training
Rotary District 6600 is making training available for club officers on April 22 in Tiffin.
Rotary District 6600 is making training available for club officers on April 22 in Tiffin.
Rotary Tour For MESA
The Rotary Bicycle Tour for MESA is June 24-28. It will not visit Lima this year. The club and foundation traditionally make a $5,000 donation to MESA. The foundation will consider this year’s donation at its April 24th meeting. A presentation to MESA will be scheduled at a later time.
The Rotary Bicycle Tour for MESA is June 24-28. It will not visit Lima this year. The club and foundation traditionally make a $5,000 donation to MESA. The foundation will consider this year’s donation at its April 24th meeting. A presentation to MESA will be scheduled at a later time.
Rotary Visitors From Morocco
A group of Rotarians from Morocco will be in Ohio on May 6 & 7. Lodging is being sought for them.
A group of Rotarians from Morocco will be in Ohio on May 6 & 7. Lodging is being sought for them.
April 8, 2024 Eclipse
The 2024 eclipse falls on Monday, April 8 and Lima is near the center of totality. The boards agreed to cancel the April 8 meeting since traffic is expected to be heavy that day.
The 2024 eclipse falls on Monday, April 8 and Lima is near the center of totality. The boards agreed to cancel the April 8 meeting since traffic is expected to be heavy that day.
Lima Rotary Foundation President’s Report Russ Decker
Russ Decker reported that, to date, the Lima Rotary Foundation has presented $22,865 in grants to local nonprofit organizations: Lima Symphony Orchestra - $3,865, Allen County D.A.R.E. - $2,000, Lima Senior Band Boosters - $1,000, Salvation Army - $5,000, Soldiers of Honor - $2,000, Amil Tellers/Encore Theatre - $1,500, Scripps Regional Spelling Bee - $5,000, ALL Youth Program - $2,500. The Foundation’s next meeting is April 24th.
Russ Decker reported that, to date, the Lima Rotary Foundation has presented $22,865 in grants to local nonprofit organizations: Lima Symphony Orchestra - $3,865, Allen County D.A.R.E. - $2,000, Lima Senior Band Boosters - $1,000, Salvation Army - $5,000, Soldiers of Honor - $2,000, Amil Tellers/Encore Theatre - $1,500, Scripps Regional Spelling Bee - $5,000, ALL Youth Program - $2,500. The Foundation’s next meeting is April 24th.
Joint Board Discussion
Treasurer’s Report - Lima Rotary Foundation Jared Walsh
Walsh shared the Statement of Fund Balances, Receipts and Disbursements quarterly report for the first 6 months of the fiscal year ending as of 12/31/2022. The Amphitheater Fund contains $14,897.15. The Buenos Noches Fund contains $1,306.64. The Empowering Girls Fund contains $1,000. The Endowment Fund contains $439,889.18. The General Fund totals $37,422.80. The High Octane Drumline Fund totals $1,438.90. The Hulsken Fund contains $62,120.59 The Scholarship Fund contains $89,746.52. Kupferberg made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Fry seconded the motion. Board approved.
Sanchez also provided an update on the construction of the Greater Lima Region Park and Amphitheater. Construction is nearly complete and work is underway on the landscaping. Fundraising continues for the sound and lights for the stage. Rudolph Foods provided an $80,000 interest-free loan to enable the committee to order the sound and lights before fundraising was complete.
Treasurer’s Report - Lima Rotary Foundation Jared Walsh
Walsh shared the Statement of Fund Balances, Receipts and Disbursements quarterly report for the first 6 months of the fiscal year ending as of 12/31/2022. The Amphitheater Fund contains $14,897.15. The Buenos Noches Fund contains $1,306.64. The Empowering Girls Fund contains $1,000. The Endowment Fund contains $439,889.18. The General Fund totals $37,422.80. The High Octane Drumline Fund totals $1,438.90. The Hulsken Fund contains $62,120.59 The Scholarship Fund contains $89,746.52. Kupferberg made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report and Fry seconded the motion. Board approved.
Sanchez also provided an update on the construction of the Greater Lima Region Park and Amphitheater. Construction is nearly complete and work is underway on the landscaping. Fundraising continues for the sound and lights for the stage. Rudolph Foods provided an $80,000 interest-free loan to enable the committee to order the sound and lights before fundraising was complete.
Treasurer’s Report - Lima Rotary Club Tracey Regula
Regula shared information from the Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet. The club’s total income through March 31, 2023 is $81,523.31. Total expenses are $82,201.12. Net income is ($677.81). Horner moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Fitzgerald seconded the motion. Board approved.
Accounting Services Discussion
Russ Decker moved that the Lima Rotary Foundation should pay $1,750.00 toward the cost of the club’s bookkeeper for the 2023/2024 year. Burden seconded the motion. Board approved.
Annual Meeting Preparation Stemen/Fry
The Annual Meeting will be held on Monday April 17th. The winners of the 4-Way Test Speech Contest will also present their speeches that day and Tracie Sanchez will give an amphitheater update.
Board Seat Election Results Scott Cockerell
Cockerell stated that the ballots were counted earlier today. Members selected to join the Rotary Club for the term running from July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026 are: Russ Decker, Judge Richard Warren and Katy Page.
The following members were selected to join the Lima Rotary Foundation Board for a term running from July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2026: John Payne, Todd Benz and Troy Elwer.
Lesley Fry and Jennifer Mason will contact those who were selected and those who were not.
Board Reports All Board Members
Empowering Girls Lesley Fry
There is nothing new to report on the Empower Girls committee.
PolioPlus Keith Horner
$2,711 has been collected for PolioPlus. The apparel sale has been extended through May 1, 2023 with proceeds going to PolioPlus.
President-Elect Report Lesley Fry
Fry told the boards she will continue to make membership paramount during her year as president and she will continue to incorporate service projects into the club meetings. She will leverage the opening of the Greater Lima Region Park and Amphitheater to promote the Rotary image and brand in the community.
Foundation President-Elect Report Jennifer Mason
Mason will continue the work of the Foundation and will explore new fundraisers.
Mason will continue the work of the Foundation and will explore new fundraisers.
New Member Applications
Jon Neeper – Chiles-Laman Funeral & Cremation Services
Lynn Carpenter – Lima Memorial Health System
Dr. Nonso Ezema – Lima Memorial Health System
Wannemacher moved to approve the new member applications. Stanford seconded the motion. Board approved.
Lynn Carpenter – Lima Memorial Health System
Dr. Nonso Ezema – Lima Memorial Health System
Wannemacher moved to approve the new member applications. Stanford seconded the motion. Board approved.
Amy Craft
Fry made a motion to accept the resignation with regret. Brown-Ellis seconded the motion. Board approved.
Fry made a motion to accept the resignation with regret. Brown-Ellis seconded the motion. Board approved.
Motion To Adjourn
Horner made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Stemen adjourned the meeting at 12:51 P.M.