Posted by Anne Decker on Oct 18, 2023
Here are the minutes from the October 10th board meeting.
Call to Order                                                                                                               Lesley Fry
President Lesley Fry called the meeting to order at 11:40 A.M. with the following board members present:
Lesley Fry, Katy Page, Russ Decker, Tim Stanford, Richard Warren and Jeff Unterbrink. Also, Treasurer Tracey Regula, Secretary Anne Decker and bookkeeper Amy Ricker were present.
Secretary’s Report                                                                                                     Anne Decker
Approval of the September 12, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Regula made a motion to approve the minutes of the September 12, 2023 board meeting as submitted. Unterbrink seconded the motion. Board approved.
President’s Report                                                                                                     Lesley Fry
Corporate Memberships
Russ Decker and Dick Schroeder will co-chair a task force to review the club’s corporate membership structure to make it more relevant and less of a record keeping chore. Other members will include Amy Ricker, Sarah Ambroza, Lesley Fry, Paul Swartz and Carol Buettner. The goal is to have recommendations for a revised corporate membership by January 2024, take comments from club members, and then have the membership vote on the recommendations at the 2024 annual meeting.
Approximately 300 raffle tickets have been sold to date. Tickets are $25 and proceeds benefit the Lima Rotary Foundation. The first prize drawing for $100 will occur at the October 30 meeting with additional drawings each month. Tickets will continue to be available until all are sold.
Jared Walsh Resignation
Ann Welly has volunteered to replace Jared Walsh as Treasurer of the Lima Rotary Foundation when he resigns from the club later this year. Fry is making arrangements with Foundation President Jennifer Mason to have Welly attend the October 16 Foundation board meeting where the board will vote on her appointment and Walsh can provide training.
West Ohio Food Bank Service Project
The Lima Rotary Club will pack food boxes for the West Ohio Food Bank at its October 30 meeting. Approximately 25 students from the Bath High School Interact Club will join us that day.
Rotary Magazine Increase
The cost of a subscription to Rotary Magazine is increasing 50 cents per issue, which will cost the Lima Rotary Club approximately $900 per year. Board members asked Fry to contact the Rotary District 6600 governor to express their displeasure at the increase and to ask if members are able to opt out of receiving the magazine.
Board Reports                                                                                                            All Board Members
Special Needs Christmas Party
The Special Needs Christmas Party is scheduled for December 9 at Shawnee United Methodist Church. Invitations are being personally delivered to the schools this month.
This month’s social is scheduled for October 25 from 5:00-8:00pm at The Met. Attendees are encouraged to wear Halloween costumes.
Treasurer’s Report                                                                                                     Tracey Regula
Regula shared information from the Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet. The club’s total income through September 30, 2023 is $29,662.76. Total expenses are $33,635.34. Net loss is $4,012.58. Page moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Russ Decker seconded the motion. Board approved.
Ricker reported that the following funds need to be transferred: Allen County Fair donation to the Lima Rotary Foundation; Rottery proceeds from the second and third quarters to the Greater Lima Region Park & Amphitheater and Crime Victim Services; miscellaneous donations to MESA. Russ Decker made a motion to approve the transfers. Warren seconded the motion. Board approved.
New Business                                                                                                             Anne Decker
New Member Applications
There are no new member applications.

Chad Hughes
Cat Sarno
Tony Miller
Regula made a motion to approve the resignations with regret. Unterbrink seconded the motion. Board approved.
Motion To Adjourn
Unterbrink made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Katy Page seconded the motion. Board approved.
President Fry adjourned the meeting at 12:22 P.M.