Here are the highlights of the February 13 board meeting.
Call to Order Lesley Fry
President Lesley Fry called the meeting to order at 11:41 A.M. with the following board members present:
Lesley Fry, Demi Burden, Russ Decker, Katy Page and Jeff Unterbrink. Also, Treasurer Tracey Regula, Secretary Anne Decker, bookkeeper Amy Ricker and Charity Bender were present.
Secretary’s Report Lesley Fry
Approval of the January 9, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Russ Decker made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 9, 2024 board meeting as submitted. Unterbrink seconded the motion. Board approved.
Attendance Report for January 2024
Three new members joined the club and two members resigned in January. January attendance was 40.36%. The month ended with 148 active members and 3 honorary members.
President’s Report Lesley Fry
Board Candidates
Applications for the Lima Rotary Club board of directors were reviewed. Those interested in running are being contacted to see who has an interest in moving up the leadership chairs.
Applications for the Lima Rotary Club board of directors were reviewed. Those interested in running are being contacted to see who has an interest in moving up the leadership chairs.
Annual Meeting
Agenda items for the annual meeting were reviewed. The annual meeting is scheduled for April 29, 2024.
Agenda items for the annual meeting were reviewed. The annual meeting is scheduled for April 29, 2024.
Joint Board Meeting
Agenda items for the annual joint board meeting between the Lima Rotary Club and Lima Rotary Foundation boards of directors were reviewed. The joint board meeting is scheduled for April 9, 2024.
Agenda items for the annual joint board meeting between the Lima Rotary Club and Lima Rotary Foundation boards of directors were reviewed. The joint board meeting is scheduled for April 9, 2024.
Approximately $2,800 of the club’s $3,000 PolioPlus goal has already been raised with two more weeks left in the fundraising campaign.
Approximately $2,800 of the club’s $3,000 PolioPlus goal has already been raised with two more weeks left in the fundraising campaign.
Annual Audit
The annual audit of the club’s finances was performed on January 26, 2024. Lesley Fry, Jim Osmon, Carol Buettner, Andy Farley, Tracey Regula and Amy Ricker randomly selected the October 2022 and April 2023 books to review. There were no problems.
The annual audit of the club’s finances was performed on January 26, 2024. Lesley Fry, Jim Osmon, Carol Buettner, Andy Farley, Tracey Regula and Amy Ricker randomly selected the October 2022 and April 2023 books to review. There were no problems.
Corporate Memberships
The committee reviewing corporate memberships has recommended that the club eliminate corporate memberships since the attendance requirement that prompted their creation is no longer in effect and they present a number of bookkeeping challenges. This recommendation will be brought before the club for a vote at the annual meeting.
The committee reviewing corporate memberships has recommended that the club eliminate corporate memberships since the attendance requirement that prompted their creation is no longer in effect and they present a number of bookkeeping challenges. This recommendation will be brought before the club for a vote at the annual meeting.
Rotary Night At The Lima Locos
The board is considering sponsoring a Rotary Night at the Lima Locos this summer. Sponsorship options will be presented at the March board meeting.
The board is considering sponsoring a Rotary Night at the Lima Locos this summer. Sponsorship options will be presented at the March board meeting.
Spring Blood Clinic
The Spring Blood Clinic has been scheduled for May 4 from 6:30-9:30am at Senior Citizen Services.
The Spring Blood Clinic has been scheduled for May 4 from 6:30-9:30am at Senior Citizen Services.
Interact Club
David Runk has volunteered to be the club liaison to the Bath High School Interact Club.
David Runk has volunteered to be the club liaison to the Bath High School Interact Club.
Board Reports All Board Members
High School Recognition Programs
Fry reported that a committee of the club’s school superintendents has recommended that the club no longer host the annual high school basketball previews due to low attendance. They would like to continue the high school football preview and add a program highlighting students who are outstanding in other areas besides sports. The board also suggested adding a high school recognition program for outstanding athletes in all sports.
Fry reported that a committee of the club’s school superintendents has recommended that the club no longer host the annual high school basketball previews due to low attendance. They would like to continue the high school football preview and add a program highlighting students who are outstanding in other areas besides sports. The board also suggested adding a high school recognition program for outstanding athletes in all sports.
Fundraising Programs
Russ Decker made a motion that the club host an annual holiday home tour to raise funds for the club. Eight homes would be sought whose owners would be willing to decorate their homes and open their doors for public tours on the first Sunday in December. Tickets would be $20 per person in advance, $25 the day of the tour. Sponsorships would also be sought. Burden seconded the motion. Board approved.
Russ Decker made a motion that the club host an annual holiday home tour to raise funds for the club. Eight homes would be sought whose owners would be willing to decorate their homes and open their doors for public tours on the first Sunday in December. Tickets would be $20 per person in advance, $25 the day of the tour. Sponsorships would also be sought. Burden seconded the motion. Board approved.
Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing
Jeff Unterbrink reported the the annual Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing has been scheduled for August 21 at Hidden Creek Golf Club with a rain date of August 28.
Jeff Unterbrink reported the the annual Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing has been scheduled for August 21 at Hidden Creek Golf Club with a rain date of August 28.
Treasurer’s Report Tracey Regula
Regula shared information from the Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet. The club’s total income through January 31, 2024 is $84,302.98. Total expenses are $65,770.35. Net income is $18,532.63. Page moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Burden seconded the motion. Board approved.
New Business Anne Decker
New Member Applications
New member applications were received from Jennifer Truman, Nurse Practitioner at Lima Memorial Next Chapter Mental Health and Dominic Inkrott, Product Manager at General Dynamics. Regula made a motion to approve the applications. Page seconded the motion. Board approved.
Russ Decker made a motion to approve the resignations of Adam Stolly and Carol Russell with regret. Burden seconded the motion. Board approved.
Burden made a motion to approve the reinstatement of Kevin Stolly. Page seconded the motion. Board approved.
Burden made a motion to approve the reinstatement of Kevin Stolly. Page seconded the motion. Board approved.
Leave of Absence
Russ Decker made a motion to approve a leave of absence and the waiving of dues for Karen Grothouse from January 1-June 30, 2024. Page seconded the motion. Board approved.
Russ Decker made a motion to approve a leave of absence and the waiving of dues for Karen Grothouse from January 1-June 30, 2024. Page seconded the motion. Board approved.
Motion To Adjourn
Regula made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Board approved. President Fry adjourned the meeting at 1:00 P.M.