Here are the highlights from the January 14th board meeting.
Call to Order Russ Decker
President-Elect Russ Decker called the meeting to order at 11:39 A.M. with the following board members present: Russ Decker, Jennifer Mason, Craig Kupferberg, Corey Frazier and Aaron McLaurine. Also, Treasurer Tracey Regula, bookkeeper Amy Ricker and Secretary Anne Decker were present.
Secretary’s Report Anne Decker
Approval of the December 10, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes
Kupferberg made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 10, 2024 board meeting. Regula seconded the motion. Board approved.
Attendance Report for December 2024
Two new members joined the club and no members resigned in December. December attendance was 40.83%. The month ended with 147 active members and 3 honorary members.
President’s Report Russ Decker
Board Nominations
The Lima Rotary Club and the Lima Rotary Foundation are seeking nominees for the 2025-2026 boards. Several members have already expressed an interest. An email will be sent to the membership asking for nominees.
The Lima Rotary Club and the Lima Rotary Foundation are seeking nominees for the 2025-2026 boards. Several members have already expressed an interest. An email will be sent to the membership asking for nominees.
Annual Audit of Books
Regula and Ricker will contact the members who performed the 2024 audit of the club’s books and see if they will perform the 2025 audit and schedule a date for it.
Regula and Ricker will contact the members who performed the 2024 audit of the club’s books and see if they will perform the 2025 audit and schedule a date for it.
District Governor’s Call For Legislative Meeting
District 6600 Governor Tim Ryan has called a legislative meeting for February 22, 2025 on Zoom to discuss what should happen with the district’s $83,000 surplus from 2024. Ryan and the majority of the district’s clubs think the money should be returned to the clubs. The District 6600 Finance Committee wants the district to keep it. At the meeting, clubs will be able to vote on the dispensation of the funds. The Lima Rotary Club Board of Directors is in favor of the funds being returned to the clubs.
District 6600 Governor Tim Ryan has called a legislative meeting for February 22, 2025 on Zoom to discuss what should happen with the district’s $83,000 surplus from 2024. Ryan and the majority of the district’s clubs think the money should be returned to the clubs. The District 6600 Finance Committee wants the district to keep it. At the meeting, clubs will be able to vote on the dispensation of the funds. The Lima Rotary Club Board of Directors is in favor of the funds being returned to the clubs.
Blood Clinic
The 2025 Blood Clinic has been scheduled for May 3 at Senior Citizens Services from 6:30-9:30am. Volunteers are needed for the event.
The 2025 Blood Clinic has been scheduled for May 3 at Senior Citizens Services from 6:30-9:30am. Volunteers are needed for the event.
Board Reports All Board Member
Christmas Extravaganza
The Lima Rotary Club’s Christmas Extravaganza raised $7,754 for the Lima Rotary Foundation through the live auction, silent auction, raffle and Elvis raffle.
2025-2026 Committees
Russ Decker reported that he has secured chairs for all of the club’s committees for 2025-2026 with the exception of the Special Needs Christmas Party and the Four-Way Test Speech Contest. He will continue to seek chairs for those committees.
Russ Decker reported that he has secured chairs for all of the club’s committees for 2025-2026 with the exception of the Special Needs Christmas Party and the Four-Way Test Speech Contest. He will continue to seek chairs for those committees.
Treasurer’s Report Tracey Regula
Regula shared information from the club’s Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet. The club’s total income through December 31, 2024 is $55,037.26. Total expenses are $52,991.68. Net income is $2,045.58.
Mason made a motion to approve the treasurer’s report. McLaurine seconded the motion. Board approved.
Mason made a motion to distribute $6,587.48 from the Holiday Home Tour to the Lima Rotary Foundation. Kupferberg seconded the motion. Board approved.
Regula made a motion to distribute $4,397.60 from the 2023-2024 raffle to the Lima Rotary Foundation. McLaurine seconded the motion. Board approved.
New Business Russ Decker
New Member Applications
A new member application was received from Don Diglia, the new superintendent of the Shawnee Local School District. Kupferberg made a motion to approve the application. Mason seconded the motion. Board approved.
A new member application was received from Don Diglia, the new superintendent of the Shawnee Local School District. Kupferberg made a motion to approve the application. Mason seconded the motion. Board approved.
McLaurine made a motion to approve the resignation of Dr. Andrew Cook with regret. Regula seconded the motion. Board approved.
McLaurine made a motion to approve the resignation of Dr. Andrew Cook with regret. Regula seconded the motion. Board approved.
Kupferberg made a motion to terminate the membership of Jude Meyers. Meyers left his job as Shawnee School Superintendent and moved from the area without submitting a resignation to the club, and efforts to contact him have been unsuccessful. Regula seconded the motion. Board approved.
Motion To Adjourn
Kupferberg made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Regula seconded the motion. Board approved. Russ Decker adjourned the meeting at 12:07 P.M.