Posted by Bob Ruehl on Jun 16, 2022
Keeping education close to our hearts
By Madu Bishnu, Chair of the Rotary Fellowship of Rotarian Educators
I joined Rotary in 1999 after 9 years of Rotaract. I’m currently a member of e-Club of Melbourne, Australia while residing in Kolkata, India. I joined my first Fellowship, the International Travel & Hosting Fellowship, in 2001, during the RI Convention in San Antonio, USA. Now I am member of several Rotary Fellowships and Rotary Action Groups, but my favorite is the Rotary Fellowship of Rotarian Educators, of which I am currently the chair. I joined this fellowship in 2016, because education is very close to my heart.
In India, there are lot of people who are illiterate, despite basic education being a fundamental right. While there are many socio-economic barriers to education, poverty is one of the main ones. The International Fellowship of Rotarian Educators allows me to interact with 108 members from 32 countries to promote literacy and provide children with a strong education leading to a better future.
Our Fellowship has monthly programs hosted on Zoom during which speakers share information about literacy, how to organize education-related projects, and how to raise funds. We have covered topics such as home schooling, substitute teaching, sustainable education in the Philippines, and educating girls in Egypt.
Our Fellowship means a lot to me because I believe education is the key to success – for example, better literacy often leads to greater financial literacy and financial independence. To join our fellowship, you do not need to be an educator, but you do have to keep education close to your heart.
Are you passionate about education, community service, and friendship? Learn more and join our fellowship at