An accurate census count is vital to local economies.
The United States has been counting its population every ten years since 1790. It's not just for information; a community's population determines how much it receives in federal funding for numerous programs, and it also determines how many US congressmen a state has. Lima/Allen County Complete Count Committee member Sophia Fisher says that our local numbers are going the wrong direction. In 2000, Lima's participation was 76% and Allen County's participation rate was 83%. In the 2010 census, that had dropped to 71% and 78%. "$1,814 is the amount of money lost, not entering a county, for each individual every single year that wasn't counted. We get over $50,000,000 not entering the county every year because we didn't have that full, accurate count of our population."
Lima Chief of Staff Sharetta Smith says there's a big change in the census this year. "The census, for the first year since 1790, will be taken online. Census workers will be out in the field with their mobile apps and starting March 12-20, individuals will begin to receive cards in the mail with a code for them to go online and complete the seven question census." Those without access to computers are being encouraged to visit their local library to complete the census. Census workers will also be visiting the homes of those who don't complete their form to assist them.
US Census Bureau Recruiter Gloria Baughn told us that they are hiring census workers right now. Applications are being taken at