Posted by Anne Decker on Jan 13, 2023
What is your grit score?
What is grit? Monday's guest speaker, psychologist Dr. Andrea Mata told us it is passion and perseverance for long-term goals. Grit is evident in all parts of our lives including our academic achievement, work engagement, job performance, military training and our marriages. Grit is a growth mind-set that embraces challenges persists in the face of setbacks, sees effort as the path to mastery, learns from criticism, and finds lessons and inspiration in the success of others. Mata told us this mind-set can be developed in a number of ways: by setting stretch goals, focusing 100%, getting feedback, and reflecting and refining. She recommends goal mapping as a way to help us achieve our ambitions and better ourselves. If you are trying to develop grit in an employee or child, some encouraging phrases you can use are, "This will be a challenge, but I believe you can achieve it." "You haven't got it yet, but you will if you keep working." "It's ok to take risks, that's how we grow." Mata says she's seen a decline in grit scores in the younger generations and she attributes much of that to parents who try to do everything for their children and push all obstacles out of their way. She says children need to face challenges in order to grow and become independent.
You can find your grit score at
Also at Monday's meeting, we inducted Ashton Stevenson, the District Executive for the Boy Scouts, into the Lima Rotary Club. Please make her welcome!
Scott Neth and Sheila Miller exchanged their red badges for blue badges.
We got the wonderful news that Rita Brown is in remission. We wish her all the best in her recovery.
And we were introduced to the new officers of the Bath High School Interact Club as they presented a $230 check to our PolioPlus campaign.