Lima Rotary Club hears from the student winners of the 4-Way Test Essay Contest.
Lima Rotary Club on Monday heard from the student winners of the Four-Way Test Essay Contest.
Area students were asked to write a 1,000 word essay on the following prompt, “Rotary’s Four-Way Test and what it means to the conduct of my daily life.”
This year, all winning students attend Lima City Schools Liberty Arts Magnet. First place winner Jemiah Wryn (Ayah) Labris, wrote about social media’s harmful effects on teens’ mental health. Second place winner Paige Sullivan took on the topic of school uniforms, saying they helped cut down on bullying in schools and helped families with clothing expenses. This year we had a tie for third place. Talia Lawrence-Banks wrote about students’ involvement in athletics helping with time management and academics. Tra’vius Patton wrote about gun violence, mass shootings and the need for changes in our gun laws.
Rotarian Heather Rutz chairs the essay contest; this year Rotarians Lesley Fry, Todd Washam and Lynn Carpenter served as judges. The contest is one of several club-sanctioned community service activities.
The club supports the contest with cash prizes:$300 for first, $200 for second and $100 for third.