The Bath High School Interact Club holds their annual pinning ceremony.
Nearly sixty members of the Bath High School Interact Club joined us Monday to recap their year and receive their pins and patches. The Bath High School Interact Club has more 100 members, and students spent the year performing service projects in the school and throughout the community. Some of their projects in the past year have included volunteering at the West Ohio Food Bank, getting Simmons Field ready for the Lima Locos’ opening day, coordinating the Bath Elementary Father Daughter Dance to raise money for scholarships, raking leaves for the elderly and disabled, volunteering at the Special Needs Christmas Party and much more. Those who performed at least 24 hours of service over the past year received either an Interact patch, denoting their first recognition, or a pin for those who had already received their patches. Joe Kitchen is the club's liaison with Interact. "What we try to do is share with them the value and the importance of setting aside a little bit of time to serve others."
We also drew another 50 numbers in the Jay Begg Reverse Raffle. Tom Schmitz was this week's big winner of $500; thank you to Jennifer Mason for selling his ticket. The remaining numbers will be drawn and the grand prizes presented at Monday's meeting.