Do you the best way to communicate with those with dementia?
Communicating with those with dementia can be difficult, but Amy Fleming from Kessler Estates told us that there are a number of things you can do to make communication easier. She says that you should approach someone with dementia from the front, make eye contact and speak up. It's a good idea to introduce yourself and others along with their relationship to the person you are speaking to, such as, "your cousin, Beth." Amy says that you can use the person's life story to prompt conversation, asking them about things they like to do and memories they have of fun events. She also says that it's important not to argue with them; if it's summer and the person thinks it's snowing, don't try to correct them. Instead, turn the conversation toward winters they remember from the past. Using positive language, giving compliments and asking for opinions can help make the conversation a pleasant one for all involved.
Also at Monday's meeting, we welcomed a new member to the Lima Rotary Club: Ryan Douglas, General Manager of Howard Johnson. And we welcomed Ann Meiring back to the club. Please make them welcome!