Posted by Anne Decker on Sep 15, 2023
Here are the highlights from the September 12th board meeting.
Call to Order                                                                                                               Lesley Fry
President Lesley Fry called the meeting to order at 11:40 A.M. with the following board members present:
Lesley Fry, Elizabeth Brown-Ellis, Katy Page, Demi Burden, Russ Decker, Joel Mengerink, Jeff Unterbrink. Also, Treasurer Tracey Regula, Secretary Anne Decker and bookkeeper Amy Ricker were present.
Secretary’s Report                                                                                                     Anne Decker
Approval of the August 10, 2023 Board Meeting Minutes
Burden made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2023 board meeting as submitted. Page seconded the motion. Board approved.
President’s Report                                                                                                     Lesley Fry
Corporate Memberships
Dick Schroeder has asked the board to review the club’s corporate membership structure. When corporate memberships were first enacted in 2008, they were a way to help businesses manage multiple members of the club and help the club boost attendance. With meeting attendance no longer mandatory, Schroeder suggests that the corporate membership category be revised so it is more relevant and less of a record keeping chore. A task force has been assigned to review corporate memberships. Among its members are Dick Schroeder, Lesley Fry, Paul Swartz, Russ Decker and Amy Ricker. Some of the club’s corporate members will also be asked to sit on the task force. The goal is to have recommendations for a revised corporate membership by January 2024, take comments from club members, and then have the membership vote on the recommendations at the 2024 annual meeting.
Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing
The 2023 Rex Perry Memorial Golf Outing raised approximately $27,000…$9,000 less than the 2022 outing. All bills have been paid and participants have been invoiced; checks are still being received.
Tickets for the raffle to benefit the Lima Rotary Foundation are available for $25. Drawings will begin in October. The club has sold enough tickets to cover payouts. More than 200 tickets are still available to be sold, all of which will be profit for the Foundation. Tickets will be sold at two upcoming events: the ArtWalk and the Legacy Arts Street Party.
Rotary Standards Committee
Katy Page reported that information is still being gathered on capital projects the Lima Rotary Club has sponsored in the past which may need maintenance.
Jared Walsh Resignation
Two members of the club have expressed interest in replacing Lima Rotary Foundation Treasurer Jared Walsh who is resigning by the end of 2023. It is hoped that his replacement will be named before the next meeting of the Foundation on October 16.
Service Projects
Fry reported that she would like to schedule a service day for the club on October 30. Members would pack senior food boxes for the West Ohio Food Bank as they did last year. The Bath High School Interact Club has been asked if they would like to help.
Social Meeting
Fry would like to schedule a social meeting on September 25. This would take the place of the regular program and give members a chance to socialize and get to know each other better, especially the new members.
Board Reports                                                                                                            All Board Members
There were no reports from board members.
Treasurer’s Report                                                                                                     Tracey Regula
Regula shared information from the Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet. The club’s total income through August 31, 2023 is $29,267.90. Total expenses are $31,015.86. Net loss is $1,747.96. Brown-Ellis moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Unterbrink seconded the motion. Board approved.
New Business                                                                                                             Anne Decker
New Member Applications
Jodi Rauth – retired
Derry Glenn – Lima City Council
Brandon Thompson
Kelly Schooler – Perry Schools
Regula made a motion to accept the new member applications. Page seconded the motion. Board approved.

Ashton Stevenson
Regula made a motion to approve the resignation of Ashton Stevenson with regret. Unterbrink seconded the motion. Board approved.
Motion To Adjourn
President Fry adjourned the meeting at 12:41 P.M.