Posted by Anne Decker on Oct 21, 2022
Lima Rotary Club marks World Polio Day.
World Polio Day is October 24, a day to celebrate the progress made toward eradication of the disease and to raise awareness of the work still to be done. Dr. Susan Hubbell told us that 
Rotary has been working to stop polio for over 30 years. In 1988 there were 350,000 cases in 125 countries. As of 2021 there were 5 cases due to wild polio virus Type 1 in 2 countries, Afghanistan and Pakistan,  compared to 140 cases in 2020. Some of the factors affecting the eradication of polio are: limited access to vaccination due to unrest, civil war, and insurgency; insufficient quality of polio eradication operations; insecurity, access problems and misinformation; compromises imposed by the coronavirus pandemic. Regarding the recent case of polio in New York, the patient was not vaccinated for polio and had traveled out of the country and was exposed to someone who recently had the oral polio vaccine. Dr. Hubbell told us that it's still vitally important for all children to be vaccinated against polio.
Also at Monday's meeting, we presented the proceeds from last quarter's Rottery drawings to the Marimor Legacy Foundation to benefit the All Ability Playground. John Payne exchanged his red badge for his blue badge. And we passed the bucket for Civic Center tech Gary whose apartment was damaged by flooding and raised $287. Thank you for your generosity!